Posted: January 14, 2013 in Uncategorized


Grenade LauncherOne month ago today was the Sandy Hook tragedy.  While I still cannot wrap my head around the senseless killings that took the lives of 27 innocent victims, what I find equally inconceivable is the callous response from the National Rifle Association in the days that followed.

While I’m paraphrasing the NRA’s response, they indicated schools are easy targets so Americans should focus on arming them to prevent future tragedies like Sandy Hook.  This line of thought smacks of a deep-seated paranoia that I can’t comprehend.  As I understand it, the NRA’s argument is do not limit the manufacturing of weapons – rather arm yourself and everyone.  The thought of people being able to purchase a semi automatic assault rifle would have been inconceivable when I was the age of the elementary school children killed, but now the NRA (and apparently America) find this an inalienable right.  Following that…

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  1. BosGuy Blog says:

    Thank you for sharing with your readers.
    – BosGuy

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